If you are right about everything then I am the stupid one.
Less than a nothing.
Because I try to understand and believe
even though any rational person would say
that the watermark of the end was passed long ago.
What is beyond is but a fool without a lifesaver
floating motionless in a black stagnant pool
waiting for a sign of life
where there can be none
No light, no sound
where the mind thinks there should be
just thoughts that perhaps cross over
that fine line of physical reality
to the cerebral reconstruction of perception
filling in the blank slate with something
for there must always be
at least that is what our minds desire
it is not necessarily what is
For we are trapped in this flesh...aren't we
this is the prison, our penance
And we cling to it, worship it
hold on to the decay even as our soul has the chance
to slip away. escape. be free
but we would rather be trapped in our cage
I found this out the hard way
That our minds are limited so long as we remain
trapped in the confines of flesh and bone
Limited by what we see and feel
as it relates to our mortal existence
We are out of touch
I thought someone loved me (didn't you?)
but, if I had listened to my soul.
I would have known this was not true.
I heard, but my mortality chose to ignore it all
People cannot feel until they break free
past the boundaries of the skin.
Look, and you will see.
People who pretend at something
to get what they think they need, want
But it is hollow, just like them,
You smile? You laugh? You mouth pretty words
heartfelt promises; a curse or a blessing
What does it mean?
What do you mean?
You cannot tell me because you don't know.
Stupified by convenience.
How lucky it is that life is full of those.
veils of petite idiocies